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Sign Up in under 3 minutes! No more hour long waits in your doctor’s office for HCG.
Video Or Phone Consultation
A Video/or Phone call with a Medical Doctor to complete the HCG approval and ordering process.
Delivered To You
Your approved HCG prescription is submitted to a U.S. Pharmacy for processing and shipping right to your door.
How Does HCG Work?
As HCG enters the body it targets the Abnormal fat cells and then releases those cells into the bloodstream to become fuel for the body so less food is required.
The average person releases between 2,000 to 2,500 Abnormal fat calories daily into the bloodstream from the HCG. The combination of the Abnormal fat calories released into the bloodstream, plus the diet’s 500 eaten calories released into the bloodstream, is normally sufficient to sustain a person.
That’s why you lose your hunger cravings while using HCG!
What Our Clients Are Saying
Dr. Simeons HCG Weight Loss Diet Protocol
The Body Maintains 3 kinds of FAT
This fat fills the gaps between organs & cannot cause Obesity.
This fat is the normal fuel of the body and cannot cause Obesity.
This Bad Fat accumulates on the hips, buttocks, arms, stomach, face, etc. and causes Obesity.
HCG Targets Only Abnormal Fat!!
Who Is TeleHCG?
With over 18 years HCG experience, and with over 60,000 patients, we have created a system to help you get all the same benefits our patients receive, from the United States!